Web Page Design Prices
Here you will find the basic web design fees. Each website has different needs. Use the price structure below as a guide.
Basic Responsive web site design fee (mobile friendly): $675
Up to 15 pages and 20 photos (you may add more photos as you go.
There is no monthly maintenance fee for text changes for the first 3 months. Extra added photos and pages will be charged.
1 Months Search Engine Submittal Included Free Quote on Basic Website Design
Additional Pictures are refinished, renamed and uploaded at the hourly rate. My hourly rate is $50/hr. I will give you free lessons on how to upload the photos yourself free.
Your website includes 5 FREE email accounts.
Sample of a Basic Website Design
A Medium Site $779.00
Up to 20 pages /30 photos/ (more can be added later) your website can have up to 500 pages and 500 photos at no additional hosting fee.
Need To Collect Money? Our online shopping cart is free, but there is a PayPal set up fee of $175. You may have 10 Products in your Store. More products can be added as you go.
There is no monthly maintenance fee for text changes for the first 3 months.
Additional Pictures are refinished, renamed and uploaded at the hourly rate. My hourly rate is $50/hr. I will give you free lessons on how to upload the photos yourself free.
Additional Products: Will be charged at an hourly rate is $50/hr. This includes Search Engine Optimizing for that Product an submitting each product to the search engines.
Free Stat Counter
3 Months Search Engine Submittal Included
Your website includes 5 FREE email accounts.
Sample of a Medium website design
Large Site $1,500
Up to 40 pages / 40 Photos /40 products (more can be added later). Your site can have up to 500 pages and 500 photos at no additional hosting fee.
Need To Collect Money? Our online shopping cart is free. But there is a PayPal set up fee of $175 You may have 30 Products in your Store. More products can be added as you go.
There is no monthly maintenance fee for text changes for the first 3 months. Additional Pictures are refinished, renamed and uploaded at the hourly rate. My hourly rate is $50/hr. I will give you free lessons on how to upload the photos yourself free.
Additional Products: Will be charged at an hourly rate is $50/hr. This includes Search Engine Optimizing for that Product an submitting each product to the search engines.
Free Stat Counter
3 Months Search Engine Submittal Included
Your website includes 5 FREE email accounts.
Sample of Large Web Site Design
Extra Large Site $2,500 and up
More than 40 pages / 40 Photos /(more can be added later) Your site can have up to 500 pages and 500 photos at no additional hosting fee.
Need To Collect Money? Our online shopping cart is free. But there is a PayPal set up fee of $175 You may have 40 Products in your Store. More products can be added as you go.
No Maintenance fees for text changes.
Additional Pictures are refinished, renamed and uploaded at the hourly rate. My hourly rate is $50/hr. We will give you free lessons on how to upload the photos yourself free.
Additional Products: Will be charged at an hourly rate is $50/hr. This includes Search Engine Optimizing for that Product an submitting each product to the search engines.
Free Stat Counter
3 Months Search Engine Submital Included
Your website includes 5 FREE email accounts.
Sample of Extra Large Site
Super Large or E-commerce Site $3,500 and Up
This will require a free pricing quote from our Host and Design team.
Your website can have up to 500 pages and 500 photos at no additional hosting fee.
Need To Collect Money? Our online shopping cart is free. But there is a PayPal set up fee of $175 You may have 30 Products in your Store. More products can be added as you go.
There is no monthly maintenance fee for text changes for the first 3 months.Additional Pictures are refinished, renamed and uploaded at the hourly rate. My hourly rate is $50/hr. I will give you free lessons on how to upload the photos yourself free.
Additional Products: Will be charged at an hourly rate is $50/hr. This includes Search Engine Optimizing for that Product an submitting each product to the search engines.
Free Stat Counter
3 Months Search Engine Submittal Included
Your website includes 5 FREE email accounts.
Sample of Super Large E Commerce Website
UPGRADES - Hosting fees
You may add 50 products to the shopping cart at a time at $1 per month added to your hosting fee. + design and set up $30-$50 /ea. Product Page.
You may add 50 photos at a time at $1 per month added to your hosting fee. Set up fee applies
There is no monthly maintenance fees for text changes. Extra added photos and pages will be charged.
Mobile Web Site Design and Set Up
*For existing clients of Complete Web Page Design - Before 2018
Basic Black and White Mobile Friendly - Complete Web Pages clients only $250 one time set up fee - no extra hosting fee.
Need to target each town separately?
To maximize SEO you need to have a specific page designed to target clients from each town.
Current Pricing:
10 Pages or less $75 per page
11 Pages to 20 Pages $65.00 per page
20 pages and up $50 per page.
View a sample of town targeted: Sample
Repeat Clients receive a $100 discount on website design..
Contact us for a Quote on additional websites. 978-346-8397
Redesign of an existing website hosted by us will be charged at: $575 for a basic site. Call or email for quote on larger sites. 978-346-8397
If you want to transfer your existing website from another host to us with our edit yourself software the fee for a basic site transfer and set up would be. $675. This will include the first 3 months of search engine submittal and a free stat counter to monitor your traffic.
.com $24.77 .org $28 .net $28
Free Quote on Super Large or E-Commerce Website Design
You may use your existing Merchant account or use PayPal with our FREE shopping cart and NO Montly Fee. There is an additional extra charge to set up cart items, based on how many items you will be featuring over and above those listed with the design fees above..
There is a Design fee of $50/hr. for extra's like custom buttons, backgrounds and animations.
If you have a personal budget that you must follow I will design your web site with that in mind.
Get on the Web TODAY! 978-346-8397
The hosting fee is the same for all sites: Basic, Medium Large, Extra Large or Super at $359.40/ yr.. ($29.95per month). The hosting fee is charged using a Visa or Master card and will be recharged yearly unless other wise stated. Hosting can also be paid six months at a time at $197.70 or monthly at $35/month.
Can you afford to run your business without a web presence?
I will work within your budget
For a free consultation and cost saving estimate:
Call: 978-346-8397 and ask for Sandra
You'll be glad you did !!!
You may charge by phone using a Visa or Master Card.
Once we have your site designed I will help you to walk through the steps of setting up your payment gateway using PayPal.
No merchant account necessary
You may use PayPal a Secure on Line Shopping Cart which accepts
