Bottom Line - BASIC WEBSITE design fee- $575 and as low as $29.95/month hosting fee .
That' s 10 Pages
Start your website presence TODAY!
This will include: All design is custom done according to clients needs.
1. Home or Index page |
2. Product page |
3. About Us page |
4. (NEW)Photo Album -20 Pictures, each in a Large Pop Up and a small thumbnail for faster loading of web site |
5. Contact page + Maps and directions to your business |
4. Form for Reserving a Charter Date |
5.Recommend our Site Page |
6. Site Map |
7. Mobile friendly set up |
2 additional pages (your choice) More pages and additional photos can be added later. |
You can edit your site yourself you you chose.
No additional software needed.
Here are samples of two Basic Website with custom backgrounds and features.
For Sample of Basic Site Click here.
A site you could edit yourself.
With built in Site Builder.

This again is a Basic Website Design by Web Design by KaSondera ( Check it out )

Gulf Coast fishing is great! Come fish with us at
You can't aford to run a Charter Business with out having an online presence.
Get Online today and use your NACO discount.
Web Page Design Prices
Here you will find the basic web design fees. Each website has different needs.
Use the price structure below as a guide.
A Basic site $675 - $100 With NACO Member Discount $575
Up to 10 pages and (NEW) 20 photos (you may add more as you go) Your site can have up to 500 pages and 500 photos at no additional hosting fee.
Additional Pictures are $8/ea. or by the hour which ever is less.
No maintenance fees for the first 6 months.
3 Months Search Engine Submittal Included
FREE Stat Counter
Free Quote on Basic Website Design Make sure you select YES if you are a NACO Member in good standing.
A Medium Site $775.00 + ecommerce - $100 With NACO Member Discount $675
Up to 20 pages /30 photos/30 products ( more can be added later) Your site can have up to 500 pages and 500 photos at no additional hosting fee. Additional Pictures are $8/ea. or by the hour which ever is less.
No maintenance fees for the first 6 months
If you are using our online free shopping cart 30 products in the shopping cart will be included in this price.
Adding additional Pictures $8/ea.
Adding additional products-services-items to shopping cart over and above 30 is priced at $10 each
Free Stat Counter
3 Months Search Engine Submittal Included
Free Shopping Cart Included on the ecommerce sites Medium sites and up.
Contact Web Design by KaSondera for a Quote on larger sites.
The hosting fee is the same for all sites: Basic, Medium Large, Extra Large or Super at $359.40/yr ($29.95per month). The hosting fee is charged using a Visa or Master card and will be recharged yearly unless other wise stated. Hosting can also be paid six months at a time at $197.70 or monthly at $35/month.
Contact us for a Quote on additional websites. Get on the Web TODAY! 978-346-8397
Redesign of an existing website hosted by us will be charged at: $475 for a basic site. Call or email for quote on larger sites.
If you want to transfer your existing website from another host to us with our edit yourself software the fee for a basic site transfer and set up would be. $475. This will include the first 3 months of search engine submittal and a free stat counter to monitor your traffic.
Free Quote on Super Large or E-Commerce Website Design
You may use your existing Merchant account or use PayPal with our FREE shopping cart. There is an additional extra charge to set up cart items, based on how many items you will be featuring over and above those listed with the design fees above..