I have done 181 pages which is 164 products and 17 entrance pages (Mobile Friendly)
I wrote down only 43.5 Billable hours, and decided did not include all the hours as many of the changes were my idea.
Numerous changes were made to existing products
I did Logo design changes and other design changes that I did not bill for.
Some Products were removed (45min)
I normally charge $50 Per Hour ( I did tell you that in advance)
Of the 181 pages 24 were new products. I Did decide to give you 50%OFF on these New Items
I decided to give you a break on the 175 pages that were existing pages at a rate of $35per age
151 pages at $35/per page Is $6,335
24 Pages at $25 per page is $600
If I charged Per Page TOTAL cost $6,935
Well we know that would cause you and Carol a Heart Attack
So I have given it much thought and decided I would charge by the hour My hourly fee being $50 per hour
43.5 hours at $50 per hour is $2,175
Still I thought you would have a Heart attack
Final conclusion
I am charging you $35 Per hour at 43.5 hours
If you could pay me upfront $500 we can budget the balance of $1,022.50 over a time that works for you.